We encourage our sponsors to send letters to the children around the holidays and over the course of the year.
$1500 or $125/mo- sponsors oldest orphans in University or VoTech (tuitions vary)
$1200 or $85/mo– sponsors a high school student or teacher for the whole year
$900 or $75/mo - sponsors an older student (Grades 7-9) for the whole year
$600 or $50/mo - sponsors a middle age student (Grades 4 - 6) for the whole year
$300 or $25/mo - sponsors a younger student (Pre-K to Grade 3) for the whole year OR partially sponsors an older student in 1, 2 or 3 shares
$150 or $13/mo - sponsors a local impoverished student (non orphan) for the year
100% of donations go directly to Kisima!
Please consider additional donations to the general fund to meet school wide goals.
Also, please consider asking your company to see if they have a matching funds program!
Our tax ID # is 46-2772734 - For the Kids International, an IRS approved 501c3
Send a Check to:
For the Kids International, Inc.
6614 Van Winkle Dr.
Falls Church, VA 22044
Designate it to Kisima Academy
OR E-donate below
Kisima Academy
P.O. Box 74
Postal Code 50211
Naitiri, Kenya
Every dollar makes a difference.
No amount is too small.
Please consider:
Sponsoring a child or teacher
A general donation
An item from the gift list
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