Kisima Child Care Academy and Orphanage

We encourage our sponsors to send letters to the children around the holidays and over the course of the year.



sponsor a child:

Gift list

$1500 or $125/mo- sponsors oldest orphans in University or VoTech (tuitions vary)

$1200 or $85/mo– sponsors a high school student or teacher for the whole year
$900 or $75/mo - sponsors an older student (Grades 7-9) for the whole year
$600 or $50/mo - sponsors a middle age student (Grades 4 - 6) for the whole year
$300 or $25/mo  - sponsors a younger student (Pre-K to Grade 3) for the whole year OR partially sponsors an older student in 1, 2 or 3 shares
$150 or $13/mo - sponsors a local impoverished student (non orphan) for the year  


100% of donations go directly to Kisima!
Please consider additional donations to the general fund to meet school wide goals.

Also, please consider asking your company to see if they have a matching funds program!

Our tax ID # is 46-2772734 - For the Kids International, an IRS approved 501c3

send your sponsored child a letter:

FTKI has started requiring applications from the 9th grade students to proceed to high school.  They attend various levels of school based on their score on the national exam.  We send all orphans who score over 275 on the exam to boarding schools.  Lower-scoring orphans go to local high schools.  We also send two community students to boarding schools and help provide funds for the remaining students interested in attending a local high school.  Boarding schools average $1200 per year (transportation, housing, food, and clothing costs for the three months they are at Kisima during their school breaks add $200) and local high school is about $150 per year.  The local community does not value secondary education so some of the Class 9 students will not continue.  Here are two students' application letters.  Mary is an orphan and scored very highly on the national exam.  Mike is a community student.

Send a Check to:

For the Kids International, Inc.

6614 Van Winkle Dr.

Falls Church, VA 22044

​Designate it to Kisima Academy 

OR E-donate below


  • Education is the key to life and Kisima orphans deserve a chance to rise above their rough start in life.
  • 100% of your donation goes straight to the school.  Unlike most charities no donated funds go to advertising or administration.
  • It was founded and is run by a Kenyan couple.
  • Kisima provides high quality education with student test scores ranking in the top 10% of the region.
  • Every dollar donated is much appreciated and carefully used.
  • We still need lots of support to continue supporting and educating orphans and impoverished community students.

Kisima Academy

P.O. Box 74 

Postal Code 50211

Naitiri, Kenya 


Asante sana
(Thank you very much)

Why Donate?


  • $20 - School Supplies for One Child
    • Kisima Academy is a registered Kenyan school and the children take yearly government exams.  Unlike the six mission schools in the district, Kisima is the only school to care for orphans.  Its 360 children are eager learners who would truly appreciate a gift of school supplies.
  • $20 - Feed a Child for One Month 
    • Kisima Academy has made great progress toward self-sufficiency with its gardens, crops, chickens, and cows.  However, there is still a need to supplement the children’s diet with fresh fruit and other foodstuffs that are purchased in nearby villages. Your gift to feed a child for one month will help ensure balanced nutrition.
  • $25 - A Flock of Chickens
    • ​​Chickens are among the animals raised at Kisima.  Their eggs provide the children with a valuable source of protein and other nutrients. Through your gift of chickens the children will be able to enjoy eggs more frequently.
  • $40 - Textbooks for One Child 
    • The students at Kisima Child Care Academy are enthusiastic about learning. Their textbooks are all in English with the exception of the Swahili language books.  If not for Kisima these children would not be educated. Your gift will provide a year’s worth of textbooks that will transform a life and help break the chain of poverty. 
  • $55 - 10% of a Cow
    • Cows provide a much-needed source of protein, calcium, and other nutrients for the children of Kisima.  The Academy’s goal is to be as self-sustaining as possible and adding to their small herd of cows will enable the children to enjoy milk more frequently.  

applications for high school

How to donate:

Every dollar makes a difference.

 No amount is too small.

Please consider:

Sponsoring a child or teacher

A general donation

An item from the gift list